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St Michael's Primary, Newtownhamilton


2023/2024 School Year

6th Jun 2024
On Wednesday 5 th June P.1 to P.5 enjoyed a brilliant trip to Gosford Forest Park....
6th Jun 2024
Principal and Governors of St Michael's Primary School would request any classroom...
5th Jun 2024
Primary 5 loved exploring Still Life Art! 
4th Jun 2024
Parents and children are very welcome to LITTLE PEOPLE PLAYGROUP open afternoon...
4th Jun 2024
St Michael's are having a Jersey Day to take part in raising funds for Care For...
29th May 2024
Today Primary 5 presented a special assembly celebrating Mary, the Mother of...
29th May 2024
Please see attached information from Parentline on their new resource ‘Can...
26th May 2024
Our P6/7 class had a wonderful time on their residential trip to Greenhill YMCA...
22nd May 2024
We were delighted to welcome in our school nurse, Irene, to visit our P1 pupils....